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进阶6 连接查询


    • 连接查询概述
    • 一、sql92语法
      • (一)内连接
        • 1、等值连接
        • 2、非等值连接
        • 3、自连接
      • 例题
    • 二、sql99语法
      • (一)内连接
        • 1、等值连接(与92语法的执行原理完全一致)
        • 2、非等值连接
        • 3、自连接
      • (二)外连接
        • 1、左外or右外连接
        • 2、全外连接(MySQL不支持)
      • (三)交叉连接
    • 三、sql92VSsql99
      • 练习题


  1. 引入:
  2. 笛卡尔乘积现象:
  3. 分类:
    按年代分类 { ① s q l 92 标准 仅仅支持内连接 ② s q l 99 标准(推荐使用) 在 M y S Q L 中支持内连接、外连接(全外连接除外)和交叉连接 \qquad {\small 按年代分类} \begin{cases} {\small ①sql92标准 \qquad 仅仅支持内连接}\\ {\small ②sql99标准(推荐使用)\quad 在MySQL中支持内连接、外连接(全外连接除外)和交叉连接} \end{cases} 按年代分类{sql92标准仅仅支持内连接sql99标准(推荐使用)MySQL中支持内连接、外连接(全外连接除外)和交叉连接
    按功能分类 { ①内连接:等值连接,非等值连接,自连接 ②外连接:左外连接,右外连接,全外连接 ③交叉连接 {\small 按功能分类} \begin{cases} {\small ①内连接:等值连接,非等值连接,自连接}\\ {\small ②外连接:左外连接,右外连接,全外连接 }\\ {\small ③交叉连接} \end{cases} 按功能分类 内连接:等值连接,非等值连接,自连接外连接:左外连接,右外连接,全外连接交叉连接
use girls;
select * from beauty;
select * from boys;
select name,boyName from beauty,boys;#与实际不符 笛卡尔乘积现象 【用第一张的每一行匹配第二张表的每一行】
select name,boyname from beauty,boys where beauty.boyfriend_id = boys.id;




  • 语法:
    select 查询列表 
    from1 别名1,2 别名2,……
    where 等值的连接条件 
    【and 筛选条件】
    【group by 分组字段】
    【having 分组后的筛选】
    【order by 排序字段】
  • 特点:
    ④一般需要为表起别名 【所有的连接查询都是】
#1. 用第一张表中的每一行去跟第二张表中的每一行匹配,逐个检查是否满足连接条件
select name,boyname from beauty,boys where beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id;
use myemployees;
select first_name,department_name from employees,departments 
	where employees.department_id=departments.department_id;

#2. 为表起别名
select first_name,employees.job_id,job_title from employees,jobs where employees.job_id=jobs.job_id;
select first_name,e.job_id,job_title from employees as e,jobs as j where e.job_id=j.job_id;

#3. 两个表的顺序可以调换
select e.first_name,e.job_id,j.job_title from jobs as j ,employees as e where e.job_id=j.job_id;

#4. 可以做筛选 
select first_name,department_name from employees e,departments d 
	where e.department_id=d.department_id and e.commission_pct is not null;
select department_name,city from departments d,locations l 
	where d.location_id=l.location_id and l.city like '_o%';

#5. 可以加分组 
#案例1:查询每个城市的部门个数 【locations】,【departments】
select count(*) '城市个数',city from locations l,departments d where l.	location_id=d.location_id 
	group by l.city;#先执行from子句,再执行where子句,相当于把两个表连接起来了,再执行group by子句和select子句
select department_name,d.manager_id,min(salary) from departments d,employees e 
	where commission_pct is not null and d.department_id=e.department_id group by e.department_id;
select department_name,d.manager_id,min(salary) from departments d,employees e
	where d.department_id=e.department_id and commission_pct is not null group by d.department_name,d.manager_id;
select department_id,manager_id,count(*) from employees group by department_id,manager_id;
select *from departments;
select * from employees e,departments d where commission_pct is not null and d.department_id=e.department_id;
select d.department_name,d.manager_id,min(salary) from employees e,departments d 
	where commission_pct is not null and d.department_id=e.department_id group by e.department_id;
select d.department_name,d.manager_id,min(salary) from employees e,departments d 
	where commission_pct is not null and d.department_id=e.department_id group by department_name,manager_id;
#6. 可以加排序
select job_title,count(*) from jobs j,employees e where j.job_id=e.job_id 
	group by e.job_id order by count(*) desc;
select job_title,count(*) from jobs j,employees e where j.job_id=e.job_id 
	group by job_title order by count(*) desc;
#7. 可以实现三表连接 
#案例:查询员工名、部门名和所在的城市 【employees】 【departments】【locations】
select first_name,department_name,city from employees e,departments d,locations l 
	where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id;


  • 语法:
      select 查询列表 
      from1 别名1,2 别名2,……
      where 非等值的连接条件 
      【and 筛选条件】
      【group by 分组字段】
      【having 分组后的筛选】
      【order by 排序字段】
CREATE TABLE job_grades
(grade_level VARCHAR(3),
 lowest_sal  int,
 highest_sal int);

INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES ('A', 1000, 2999);

INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES ('B', 3000, 5999);

INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('C', 6000, 9999);

INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('D', 10000, 14999);

INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('E', 15000, 24999);

INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('F', 25000, 40000);
select *from job_grades;
select employee_id,salary,grade_level from employees e,job_grades j_g 
	where salary between j_g.lowest_sal and highest_sal;


  • 语法:
      select 查询列表 
      from1 别名1,1 别名2,……
      where 等值的连接条件 
      【and 筛选条件】
      【group by 分组字段】
      【having 分组后的筛选】
      【order by 排序字段】
select e.employee_id,e.first_name,l.employee_id,l.first_name from employees e,employees l 
	where e.manager_id=l.employee_id;


select max(salary) '最大工资',round(avg(salary),2) '工资平均值' from employees;
select employee_id,job_id,last_name from employees order by department_id desc,salary asc;
select * from employees where job_id like '%a%e%';
#select s.name,g.name,r.score from student s,grade g,result r where s.gradeId=g.id and s.id=r.studentNo;
select curdate();

select first_name,e.department_id,d.department_name from employees e,departments d
	where d.department_id=e.department_id;
#例题2:查询90号部门员工的job_id和90号部门的location_id 【employees】【departments】
select job_id,location_id from employees e,departments d 
	where e.department_id=90 and d.department_id=90 and e.department_id=d.department_id;
select last_name,department_name,d.location_id,city from employees e,departments d,locations l 
	where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id and e.commission_pct is not null;
select last_name,job_id,d.department_id,department_name from employees e,departments d,locations l 
	where l.city='Toronto' and e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id;
select department_name,job_title,min(salary) '最低工资' from employees e,jobs j,departments d 
	where e.department_id=d.department_id and e.job_id=j.job_id group by e.job_id,e.department_id;
select country_id,count(*) '部门个数' from locations l,departments d 
	where d.location_id=l.location_id group by country_id having count(*)>2;
#例题7:选择指定员工的姓,员工号,以及他的管理者的姓名和员工号 【kochar】
select e.last_name 'employees',e.employee_id 'Emp#',m.last_name 'manager',m.employee_id 'Mgr#'
	from employees e,employees m where e.manager_id=m.employee_id and e.employee_id=101;


  • 语法(将连接条件与分组前筛选条件分开了,提高了可读性):
      select 查询列表 
      from1 别名1 【连接类型】
      join2 别名2 
      on 连接条件 
      【where 筛选条件】
      【group by 分组】
      【having 筛选条件】
      【order by 排序列表】
  • 分类
    分类(重点介绍) { ( ! ) 内连接: i n n e r 外连接 { ( ! ) 左外连接: l e f t 【 o u t e r 】 ( ! ) 右外连接: r i g h t 【 o u t e r 】 全外连接: f u l l 【 o u t e r 】 交叉连接: c r o s s {\small 分类(重点介绍)} \begin{cases} {\small (!)内连接:inner} \\ {\small 外连接 \begin{cases} {\small (!)左外连接:left 【outer】} \\ {\small (!)右外连接:right 【outer】} \\ {\small 全外连接:full 【outer】} \end{cases} }\\ {\small 交叉连接:cross} \end{cases} 分类(重点介绍) (!)内连接:inner外连接 (!)左外连接:leftouter(!)右外连接:rightouter全外连接:fullouter交叉连接:cross


  • 语法:
      select 查询列表 
      from1 别名1 
      inner join2 别名2
      on 连接条件
      【where 筛选条件】
      【group by 分组】
      【having 筛选条件】
      【order by 排序列表】    
  • 分类:等值连接 非等值连接 自连接
  • 特点:
    ④inner join连接和sql92中的等值连接的实现效果是一样,都是查询多表的交集


select department_name,first_name from employees e 
	inner join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id;
select first_name,job_title from employees e inner join jobs j
	on e.job_id=j.job_id where first_name like '%e%';
select city, count(*) from departments d inner join locations l 
	on d.location_id=l.location_id group by city having count(*)>3;
select department_name,count(*) from departments d inner join employees e 
	on d.department_id=e.department_id group by department_name having count(*)>3 order by count(*) desc;
select first_name,department_name,job_title from employees e inner join departments d 
	on e.department_id=d.department_id inner join jobs j on e.job_id=j.job_id order by department_name desc;


use myemployees;
select employee_id,salary,grade_level from employees e 
	inner join job_grades j_g on salary between lowest_sal and highest_sal;
select grade_level,count(*) from employees e join job_grades j_g on salary 
	between lowest_sal and highest_sal group by grade_level having count(*)>20 order by grade_level desc;


select e.employee_id,e.first_name,m.employee_id,m.first_name from employees e join employees m 
	on e.manager_id=m.employee_id where e.first_name like '%k%';


  • 应用场景:查询一个表中有,另一个表中没有的记录
  • 特点:
    ②左外连接:left join左边的为主表
    右外连接:right join右边的为主表
use girls;
select * from beauty;
select * from boys;


select g.`name`,b.* from beauty g left join boys b on g.boyfriend_id=b.id where b.id is null;
select g.name from boys b right join beauty g on g.boyfriend_id=b.id where b.id is null;
select g.*,b.* from boys b left join beauty g on g.boyfriend_id=b.id;
use myemployees;
select d.* from departments d 
	left join employees e on d.department_id=e.department_id where e.employee_id is null;


use girls;
select g.*,b.* from beauty g full outer join boys b on g.boyfriend_id=b,id;



use girls;
select g.*,b.* from beauty g cross join boys b;#没有连接条件 




select g.id '女神编号',g.name,b.* from beauty g left join boys b on g.boyfriend_id=b.id where g.id>3;
#案例二、查询哪个城市没有部门 【locations】【departments】
use myemployees;
select l.city from locations l left join departments d on d.location_id=l.location_id 
	where d.department_id is null;#从表的主键列为null
#案例三、查询部门名为SAL或IT的员工信息 【departments】【employees】 一个部门名称对应好几个部门编号
select e.* ,d.department_name,d.department_id from departments d left join employees e on e.department_id=d.department_id 
	where department_name='SAL' or department_name='IT';#用外连接,IT中没有员工的两个部门也显示出来了 ,内连接不行 
select * from departments;


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